Curbside Manner

Stress First Aid for the Street

Curbside Manner: Stress First Aid for the Street is a tool for firefighters to assist other firefighters and their loved ones in the immediate aftermath of emergency situations. Most good firefighters and EMS personnel are already performing these actions in the course of their duties. Curbside Manner: Stress First Aid for the Street is meant to serve as a framework that will make it easier for firefighters to incorporate all of these actions into their work on a regular basis.

This model offers Curbside Manner: Stress First Aid for the Street actions as needed with distressed individuals and families, incorporated into duties in a natural, seamless way, and implemented only when they do not interfere with primary duties. Such actions can make a huge difference in how readily those we serve recover from the stress of what has happened to them. Those who receive the support they need, starting with their very first encounters, will be more effective and cooperative participants on the scene, more able to regain their sense of control and self-efficacy, and better able to recover more quickly.

For Students